
Small Business Guide to Copyrights

In today’s digital age, small businesses are constantly creating and sharing content to attract customers and build their brand presence. However, amidst the flurry of content creation, it’s crucial for small business owners to understand the ins and outs of copyright law. Ignoring copyright regulations can lead to legal troubles and damage to your brand’s reputation. So what is copyright, why does it matter for small businesses and what are some practical tips to navigate copyright law effectively. Why Copyright…

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Handling Personable Identifiable Information (PII) Under the Corporate Transparency Act

The Corporate Transparency Act went into effect on January 1, 2024.  I’ve put together a comprehensive guide to the CTA here.  The CTA requires companies (other than those specifically exempt) to file beneficial ownership information (BOI) about all owners who own or substantially control at least 25% of a company.  Upon request by a beneficial owner, company applicant or reporting company, the CTA permits FinCEN (the governing body responsible for the enforcement of the CTA) to assign a numeric identifier…

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What Does a Trademark Clearance Search Entail?

Trademarks play a pivotal role in distinguishing brands and ensuring their uniqueness in the market. As a business owner or entrepreneur, protecting your brand through trademark registration is essential for long-term success. However, before diving into the registration process, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough trademark clearance search to assess the availability and viability of your desired trademark. While it’s advisable to hire an attorney to help with conducting the search, as a small business owner, you should have an…

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